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Don Oakley is a nondual spiritual and meditation teacher and Managing Director of the Well Being Retreat Center in Tazewell, Tennessee where he and his lovely wife, Patty Bottari, manage the retreat center and lead frequent  nondual spiritual and meditation retreats.


Don studied nondual spirituality intensively with Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Adyashanti's Open Gate Sangha. Don's first  book on spiritual awakening, "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," is a 5-star rated book on Amazon. His second book on the spiritual journey, "Empty Wisdom: The Subtle Art of Discovering What You Already Are" is also available

Watch an introduction video to Don's nondual teachings for spiritual awakening:

Learn More about Don and his nondual spiritual Teachings:

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